U盘之家 > U盘工具 > 其他工具 > YUMI V2.0.1.6 英文绿化版

YUMI V2.0.1.6 英文绿化版

  • 更新时间:2015-04-24 08:16
  • 报告错误
  • 软件大小:1.22 MB
  • 浏览次数:60
  • 下载次数:3
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 开 发 商:http://
  • 应用平台:Win7,WinXP,Win2003,Win2000
  • 交流社区:暂无
  • YUMI V2.0.1.6 英文绿化版



    YUMI is a lightweight and portable application designed to help you create bootable USB flash disks that contain multiple operating systems, antivirus systems, and other utilities. Although it is very simple to work with, YUMI should be restricted to advanced users. 优盘之家


    Since installation is not a prerequisite, you can just drop the executable file anywhere on the hard disk and click it to run. Otherwise, it is possible to save YUMI to a USB flash disk, external hard drive or similar device, in order to run it on any machine without prior installers. U盘之家


    What's important to keep in mind is that the Windows registry does not get new keys, and leftover files are not kept on the disk after eliminating the program. A standard file deletion is enough to carry out this task. www.upan.cc



    The interface is based on a regular window with a simple structure, where you can get started by selecting a drive as your USB device, after which you can select a Linux distribution from a very long list of options, such as Debian Live 32/64-bit, Fedora 32/64-bit, Linux Mint 32/64-bit, and OpenSUSE Live 32/64-bit. 优盘之家


    It is also possible to add antivirus tools (e.g. Acronis Antimalware CD, AVG Rescue CD), system utilities (e.g. Boot Repair Disk 32/64-bit, Offline NT Password and Registry Editor, Partition Wizard, System Rescue CD), and other OS tools (e.g. HP SMARTStart 32/64-bit, Windows XP Installer, Windows Vista/7/8 Installer), as well as to process bootable ISOs.



    If you don't have the file in question on the disk, you can enable YUMI to download it. Moreover, you may view and remove installed distros on the USB device and format it, as well as view all drives. Initializing the primary task is done by clicking a button. 优盘之家


    YUMI takes a reasonable amount of time to finish a job, while using a very low amount of CPU and RAM. No error dialogs have been shown throughout our tests, and the app did not hang or crash. All in all, YUMI provides users with a simple solution to creating multi-boot and multi-system USB flash drives.


    玉米是一种轻便的设计的应用程序来帮助你创建可引导的USB闪存盘,包含多个操作系统,防病毒系统,和其他公用事业。虽然这是简单的工作,应仅限于高级用户 U盘之家


    要记住的重要的是,Windows注册表中没有得到新的密钥,而剩余的文件不保存在磁盘消除后的程序。一个标准的文件删除足以完成这项任务 优盘之家

    该接口是基于一个简单的结构规律的窗口在那里你可以开始选择一个驱动器作为你的USB设备之后你可以选择从一个很长的名单选择一个Linux分布Debian Live 32 / 64位Fedora的32 / 64位Linux Mint 32 / 64位和openSUSE活32 / 64位

    还可以添加杀毒工具(如Acronis的反恶意软件CDAVG援救CD系统工具(例如启动修复磁盘32 / 64位开机密码和注册表编辑器分区向导系统救援光盘其他操作系统工具(例如惠普SmartStart 32 / 64位的Windows XPWindows安装程序Vista / 7 / 8安装程序以及过程的启动文件 www.upan.cc



    玉米以一个合理的时间内完成工作,而使用的CPU和RAM额很低。没有错误对话框一直在我们的测试表明,与该应用程序没有挂或碰撞。总之专门为用户提供了创建多引导、多系统的USB闪存驱动器,一个简单的解决方案 优盘之家

    YUMI V2.0.1.6 英文绿化版:http://www.upan.cc/tools/others/3522.html


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