U盘之家 > U盘工具 > 启动工具 > Norton Bootable Recovery Tool(系统启动修复工具)V4.0.0.14 汉化版

Norton Bootable Recovery Tool(系统启动修复工具)V4.0.0.14 汉化版

  • 更新时间:2015-06-30 13:22
  • 报告错误
  • 软件大小:952 KB
  • 浏览次数:322
  • 下载次数:36
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 开 发 商:http://
  • 应用平台:Win7,WinXP,Win2003,Win2000
  • 交流社区:暂无
  • Norton Bootable Recovery Tool(系统启动修复工具)V4.0.0.14 汉化版



     如果电脑因受到严重感染而无法正常工作甚至无法启动,可让电脑恢复并正常运行。 如果使用诺顿产品中的常规扫描程序无法删除威胁,或者电脑无法启动,请使用 Norton Bootable recovery Tool 快速解决问题。 www.upan.cc


    Norton Bootable Recovery Tool 可以帮助修复“最糟糕”的电脑问题,例如犯罪软件自行深层嵌入您电脑的操作系统,您需要使用特殊工具才能将其删除。Norton Bootable Recovery Tool 可以执行以下两项任务: 在系统被感染之前,帮助您创建自定义救援介质 (CD/DVD/USB) 将 Norton Bootable Recovery Tool 的副本存储在安全的位置。如果遇到紧急情况,只需将您的个性化 Norton Bootable Recovery Tool 副本插入电脑,并按照屏幕上的说明操作即可。Norton Bootable Recovery Tool 将帮助您在安全模式下启动电脑,并清理受感染的系统,使您的电脑快速恢复健康状态。 U盘之家

    Because of serious infection and can not be normal work and can not start, can let the computer resume and normal operation. Bootable recovery Tool Norton is used to solve the problem if you can't remove the threat, or the computer is unable to start, using the conventional scanner in the Norton product.

    Norton bootable recovery tool can help repair the worst computer problems, such as crime software themselves deep into your computer's operating system, you need to use special tools to remove the. Norton bootable recovery tool can perform two tasks: in the system before the infection, to help you create a custom rescue medium (CD/DVD/USB) the Norton bootable recovery tool copies stored in a safe location. If you encounter an emergency situation, simply insert your Bootable Recovery Tool Norton copy into the computer, and follow the instructions on the screen. Bootable Recovery Tool Norton will help you start your computer in safe mode, and clean up the infected system, so that your computer can quickly restore health.



    Microsoft Windows XP SP2 或 SP3、Windows Vista 或 Windows 7 - 您的电脑必须支持 USB 启动功能,以便 Norton Bootable Recovery Tool 能在 USB 设备上运行。 优盘之家

    Norton Bootable Recove:http://www.upan.cc/tools/boot/3593.html


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