U盘之家 > U盘工具 > 其他工具 > Lock and Unlock Your PC With USB Drive Software锁定与解锁 V7.0 免费版

Lock and Unlock Your PC With USB Drive Software锁定与解锁 V7.0 免费版

  • 更新时间:2015-08-16 10:27
  • 报告错误
  • 软件大小:4.42 MB
  • 浏览次数:83
  • 下载次数:4
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 开 发 商:http://
  • 应用平台:Win7,WinXP,Win2003,Win2000
  • 交流社区:暂无
  • Lock and Unlock Your PC With USB Drive Software锁定与解锁 V7.0 免费版



     Lock and Unlock Your PC With USB Drive Software is a simple application designed to provide you with the option to lock your computer by using an USB pen drive. The application enables you to protect your PC from other users who might want to use your files.


    If you work in an office you might want to lock your computer when you are away from your desktop. Although the Windows operating systems allow you to protect your system with the user password, this program comes with a different approach which should be more reliable. 优盘之家


    Unlike a password which can be guessed or cracked by other users, this tool enables you to create a unique key that you can take with you when you leave the office. The key is represented by an USB storage device that needs to be plugged in when you want to unlock the workstation. U盘之家


    In order to lock the computer you just have to specify the device and click one button. After storing the information required to unlock the computer, the stick is disconnected allowing you to unplug it and leave the office. www.upan.cc



    While your USB stick is not plugged in, the screen is blocked with a warning message which prevents other users from opening other applications. However, you can still view the task bar and the opened programs by using the Ctrl+Alt+Del combination.


    Although it might seem like a convenient way to block access to your files, the data stored on your stick is deleted every time you unlock the PC. Therefore, you need to repeat the process every time you need to leave your desk. U盘之家


    The program provides you with an alternative to the classic password protection and is easy to use. However, it is not cheap and it still allows others to access the taskbar with the most common key combination on Windows systems. U盘之家

    锁定和解锁你的电脑的USB驱动软件是一个简单的应用程序设计为您提供选择使用一个USB笔式驱动器锁定您的计算机。该应用程序使您可以保护您的电脑,从其他用户可能要使用您的文件。 优盘之家




    为了锁定计算机,你只需要指定设备,然后点击一个按钮。在储存所需的信息解锁计算机,该棒是断开连接,让您拔出它,并离开办公室。 优盘之家

    当你的USB棒不插电,屏幕是一个警告信息,防止其他用户打开其他应用受阻。然而,你仍然可以查看任务栏和打开的程序通过使用Ctrl + Alt + Del组合。 www.upan.cc

    虽然它可能看起来像一个方便的方式来阻止访问您的文件,存储在您的棍子上的数据被删除每次解锁的PC。因此,您需要重复的过程中,每次您需要离开您的办公桌。 U盘之家



    Lock and Unlock Your P:http://www.upan.cc/tools/others/3674.html


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