U盘之家 > U盘工具 > 检测工具 > 先进的USB端口监视器(Advanced USB Port Monitor)V2.6.9 简化版

先进的USB端口监视器(Advanced USB Port Monitor)V2.6.9 简化版

  • 更新时间:2015-01-25 13:43
  • 报告错误
  • 软件大小:4.01 MB
  • 浏览次数:235
  • 下载次数:25
  • 软件语言:英文软件
  • 开 发 商:http://
  • 应用平台:Win7,WinXP,Win2003,Win2000
  • 交流社区:暂无
  • 先进的USB端口监视器(Advanced USB Port Monitor)V2.6.9 简化版



      Advanced USB Port Monitor is a software tool that analyzes the USB Bus, USB Device and protocol. With this app you can debug and test USB devices and software. 

    The interface of the program is easy to use and it enables you to work simultaneously with more than one window, which will increase your overall efficiency. For example, in one screen you can watch the data flow and in another, you are able to look at detailed information about a certain USB device. In the upper side of the main screen there is a Menu Bar, which provides quick access to all the main functions of the program, while on the right side you are able to see all the connected devices. If you want to, you can also open performance or waiting monitor windows. 
    This application can also help you debug and test USB devices and software, no matter how fast they might be (fast – 480Mbps, full – 12Mbps, low – 1.5Mbps). Moreover, the program offers kernel driver technology with support of WDM (Windows Driver Model), WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) and Power Management and so on, which makes all USB devices completely compatible with the operating system and therefore, they can operate at maximum speed. 
    Last but not least, another feature that you are definitely going to like, pertains to exporting reports or data for post processing in format files such as PDF, XML, or DOC, DOCX, etc. 
    All in all, Advanced USB Port Monitor is a useful tool that can help you with everything USB-wise. But although the program has an intuitive interface, it is not going to be very easy to use for people that are not familiar with IT.
    这个应用程序还可以帮助您调试和测试USB设备和软件,无论他们如何快速成为(快 - 高达480Mbps,全 - 12Mbps的,低 - 1.5Mbps的)。此外,该方案提供了内核驱动技术,支持WDM(Windows驱动程序模型),WMI(Windows管理规范)和电源管理等,这使得所有USB设备与操作系统完全兼容,因此,他们能够在最大工作速度。

    先进的USB端口监视器(Advanced U:http://www.upan.cc/tools/test/3359.html


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